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Market Research

O Estudo de Mercado da Domani Consultoria é uma solução que junta o Estudo de Mercado à Promoção Comercial com o objetivo de dar um suporte mais personalizado em questões comerciais para o país de destino. Por meio deste estudo,  nossos clientes tem informações macro e micro do mercado do país previamente escolhido, dessa forma, garantindo a análise e recomendação das melhores estratégias para a inserção do seu produto!

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The Commercial Study, as the name suggests, is a solution we developed from the combination of the Market Study and Commercial Promotion. In this sense, topics that will support the destination chosen for export will be addressed, such as trade flows between countries, FOB product price, macroeconomic data, cultural analysis and various other aspects. The difference between this service and the Market Study is that, in the Commercial Study, the destination (or destinations) has already been chosen in advance. At the same time, supplies will be provided in order to better promote and insert the product in the foreign market, such as fairs, certificates, stamps and others.

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