Nefertiti Project
Commercial Promotion for
garlic import

The Company
Liven Trade Consulting S.L. is a company specialized in importing and exporting food products. Located in Barcelona, Spain, the company contacted Domani Consultoria in order to find possible garlic suppliers in Brazil interested in importing this product.
The biggest obstacle for Liven Trade in establishing business in our country was precisely the fact that it does not have any representative or head office in Brazil.
The Project
From this need, our team came to the conclusion that our Commercial Promotion would be the solution that Liven Trade needed at the moment, since the idea of this service is precisely to prospect potential buyers of a certain product.
In addition, the project was all carried out in English, as it would facilitate the understanding of our client.

The team allocated to the project spoke with Liven Trade Consulting S.L. in order to collect important information for prospecting and and to understand the best way we could work. In addition, we researched the commercial context for importing garlic and weconsulted the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM) for the product.

Durante esta etapa do projeto foi realizada uma pesquisa intensa sobre os fornecedores de alho no Brasil com o objetivo de coletar uma gama maior de potenciais compradores. Em seguida, a equipe entrou em contato com os possíveis importadores de nossa lista e relatou quais demonstravam mais interesse. A partir dessa prospecção, a Domani foi capaz de estabelecer um ranking com as 52 oportunidades encontradas. Ao longo do processo, os consultores também se atentaram sobre os possíveis métodos de pagamento, visto que essa era uma preocupação do cliente.

The last step consisted of grouping all the information collected, such as the description of each prospective buyer, the negotiations with the most potential and the forms of contact. In all, 52 opportunities were found and presented at the final meeting, in which the team explained the entire process and resolved the client's doubts.
The Nefertiti project is a Success Case because Liven Trade Consulting SL managed to negotiate with a company indicated by Domani Consultoria, in order to carry out the process of selling garlic.
In addition, we carried out the first project involving payment in foreign currency of the Movimento Empresa Júnior (MEJ) Brasil.

Gabriel Adonis

Marcondes Matos
Rhaellyse Oliveira
Stella Sabino