Mnimosýni I Project
Commercial Study applied to coffee exports

"The partnership with Domani was essential for my company to acquire knowledge and prepare to operate in the international market. We managed to advance several years in months."

Francisco Wander , Owner of il Caffè Ricordi
The Company
Il Caffè Ricordi is a small production, industrialization, and trade company of specialty coffees in the south of Minas Gerais, whose purpose was to export its specialty coffees to four specific destinations.
The company uses grains planted on its farms, located in Boa Esperança and Ilicínea. The grains used to go through a rigorous selection and classification process, with the ultimate goal of offering a unique experience to their customers.
The Project
The aim of the Mnimosýni project was to carry out the study and analysis of the markets previously chosen by il Caffè Ricordi for the future export of his production.
The innovation and customization of our service was necessary in this project, since the customer's demand needed different data considering the characteristics of his product, in this way we created the Commercial Study.
In this way, the Commercial Study was based on a careful and in-depth analysis of various microeconomic, cultural and social aspects of each destination.

In the first stage of the project, a first alignment meeting was held with the team allocated to collect some essential information for the start of execution. At this stage, a general survey of the international coffee market was also carried out, as well as the survey of the Common Mercosur Nomenclature (NCM) of the products.

Commercial Study
In this stage, the selected target markets were researched and analyzed considering some indicators:
Analysis of trade flow and incidence of barriers to trade (tariff and non-tariff);
Competitive, cultural and receptive factors for the three products;
Standardization conditions and accessibility for the indicated markets;
Ranking of the 4 countries in order of the best opportunities for the insertion of coffee.
Based on the analysis of the key indicators, Domani Consultoria recommended il Caffè Ricordi the country that had the best performance and potential among the aspects analyzed.

The last phase of the project was dedicated to the compilation and layout of the final report, which was able to provide project information in a complete and summarized manner. Besides, the Completion Report was delivered in three different ways: a complete written report, E-book, and a presentation slide for partners.
After the delivery of the Mnimosýni Project, the owner of il Caffè Ricordi, Francisco Wander, opted to hire yet another Domani service to make his coffee export purpose a success. Thus came the Mnimosýni II project.

Christian Shaw

Guilherme Neiva
Rachel Alves

Worked hours
140 hours